Out With the New, In With the Old? (vid pg.2)

Got to talking with my friend Dave last week and he mentioned that his Psycho was too small for him and I told him how mine was too big. So we decided to trade and luckily he sent his to me first and so here they are, side by side, before my 2008 goes to him. This is such a privilege to have 2 Psychos side by side!

And this one is the best!

Were any of the Psychos ever released in different sizes? I have an '05 Psycho that I’ve always felt was a tad too big… would love one that fits a bit more snug… ??

That’s cool. Nice to see how things worked out for both of you. 2 masks…1 trade. :laughing:

Man thats awsome! :open_mouth: Cant wait to get her in!

Dayum. Those PSYCHO’s are great, and TWO of them together, even awesomer! Thanks for posting these! :rock:

WOW, Matt! Those are two very great Psychos. Sounds like you both are coming out on top!

Cool pictures man, and some real sweet masks! :smiley:

:laughing: I’d say so.

:open_mouth: Dear god. Congrats Matt!


It’s-It’s beautiful… :cry:

Funnily enough, I can picture you saying it like that. Thanks.

LOVE that last picture. Just awesome! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

last pic is my favortie!
oh my my!
marcus :mrgreen:

dont know which one is going to who but in the pics theres something about that psycho on the left that is very striking :drinkers:

LOL right on… so tell us… Which one IS yours? :question:

They both look great. :smiley:

The one on the left is now mine and the 08 (to the right) is Dave’s.

Great pictures of those two. :slight_smile:

TWIN TERRORS :open_mouth: