perfect rehaul H40?

Today Michael was out for a small assignment photo outside, the light plays a very important role on the color of the mask, this mask is just the best rehaul I saw at the moment and you?

Its really good made but… the Best? The Best i also such thing depending on what you searching for collecting… i really dont like this black Tape! I prefer a Screen looked one … not a behind the scene version


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That paint job is sick, i love it!
I believe the mask with the tape on display awhile back was a prototype. I could be wrong.

the tots proto i believe had this too or in some scenes it was used to hold the collar up!

anyway its good!

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this mask was made from the one present at the festival of the mask, the one to expose in the box that one can see on youtube, it is about the proto mask

A JC one I saw a while back was a bit better, but this is great

Se7enSins Studios does exceptionally well, so does Remzap86 on IG. JC has done a few impressive ones as well.

hard to believe thats a pull made from using the screenused mold released by a company who only charged $60 and got so much hate for it.

I don’t recall anyone hating them for releasing a cheap movie mold mask haha, more so for the inconsistencies/lies or whatever. But tbh I think in terms of detail etc H40 is one of their best masks

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This looks like it was done by Ryan T.

Great rehaul!!

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Did Rem finish this one up? Hands down top 5 I’ve seen. Love the dirtier look on these masks and the colors, hair and neck details are perfect here. Gorgeous copy man.

no, :slight_smile: it’s ryan treuhaft :slight_smile:

A beauty

It is awesome but i think the best rehauls in my opinion are from m.n.creations. freakin sick

Sorry attached same one twice…

Best !!!
Scored this Simon Brandolino #12
“The Reunion”

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I’m really not a fan of n.m creation, the painting is too light, too white compare to that of the film, for me the 2 best artists are remzap and ryan treuhaft, the others are well below …

great stuff! so hard to pick one