Pic "O" the day 12/19/09

I know im just a newbie here lol, but I hope you guys dont mind me starting a pic of the day ? enjoy.
All my 2 year old wants to do is wear daddy’s masks.

Thats precious bro! Gotta love kids…

LOVE that your kid wants to wear Daddy’s masks! Awesome!
Here’s my kid with his very own kids’ UNTAMED… He’s 14 months old…

Here’s my MMFX Brooker mask. I love the job these guys did on this!
MMFX Brooker,,,,,.jpg
MMFX Brooker........jpg
Jay Muzz

Nice Jason Jay :smiley:

Soon to be mine! :smiling_imp:
Ultra rare TCM2 Japanese 1 sheet V2

WOW :open_mouth: That reminds me when Sarah Connor was pregnant in her jeep looking at the sky at the end of Terminator 1.
Nice sweet Brooker mask Jay. :drinkers:

Shot with PENTAX Optio A40 at 2009-12-19

great pictures everybody! :smiley:

Now that’s one creepy elf

Elf in human form…He needs a drink

Thank’s bro K and Hugo :rock: I really love the fact that this mask is wearable too :smiley:
Later guys,


Just finished this today. :smiley:
