i was in line at my local circle K - and glanced over at the magazine section they had and saw the top part of this mag - which i kinda thought looked like michael’s hair and knife, and low and behold it was!!..
this issue has GREAT pictures of thee entire outfit for all of those who want details!
pick it up while you can-
That is a great cover right there, really sick michael myers picture in natural lighting?
Killer! thanks for the heads up.
sweet! I just ran out and got a copy myself, some very awesome reference photos in that one!
One of you guys should post scans.
I went to my local store and I couldn’t find it could you please post scans on this magazine.
thats fuckin awesome!
A couple local stores didn’t have this so I will have to head to Borders to pick it up. Anybody know where I can find scans of the second part from the Fangoria set visit?
I live in Orange County … Driven to three 7-eleven’s, two borders, still no luck … is this issue of Revolver readily available now?
Surprisingly I have more of a problem with what it says of Megan Fox than the pic of Myers and Cummings.
I saw a copy in Books-A-Million the other day.
yeah i just got mine at a 7-eleven and saw one at a local shell gas station. The pics are bad ass! I never realized that Rob is a tall dude. He is almost as tall as Tyler Mane. Its a good read too
You guys can read the issue online now.
Thanks for the link man, pretty cool read. RZ doesn’t seem like a bad guy, H2 may have not been the greatest halloween film but it wasn’t a bad change from the gimmicky Ressurection
While a short interview, I like the things RZ had to say about H2 and horror movies in general.
But the rest of the magazine sucks. Death metal bands are trippy.
These were the best pics IMO