Picture this!

Okay, I was watching a few videos on YouTube; one thing led to another, and I found myself watching good 'ole Johnny Cash in his later years. A light bulb struck in my head, and I thought I should post it here. :mrgreen:

In another topic, we were talking about who the person playing Myers would look like in their older years. So in this topic, I wanted to do something similiar yet different. What would Myers’ mask look like if it was created to look 30 or so years older? Here’s my example and answer!

If they took the H4 mask and made it 40 years older, it would look like Johnny Cash! :laughing:

I had a good laugh! LOL, and you know what? I think you’re right! lol. Get started on it mask makers!!.. :laughing:

Big Johnny Cash fan wouldn’t want to make fun of him.

I don’t think he was making fun of him, bud. :wink:

You’re seriously going to pull that card? I wasn’t making fun of Cash, just starting a fun topic.

Ok bro :wink: just a huge fan that’s all.Hey if you want a mask to look 30 or 40 years old get pics of the original lol! :laughing:

I agree man, I really don’t think he was making fun of him. Plus, who in the hell would WANT to make fun of Johnny Cash? Thats Johnny Cash!!!