yes, it’s definitely logical to think about a return on your money when you “invest” it into anything, but when you are discussing a “hobby” return-investment generally should go right out the window. I got into collecting Star Wars toys immediately on the day they were released in 1995, and full-force from 1996 till I stopped cold turkey in 2002. It wasn’t because of investment purposes, it was to relive my childhood. It quickly got bastardized as “variants” and “mistakes” and “changes/updates” were added to the equation…the hobby now was flooded by money hungry greedy nerds (I can say that, I am one ) …yeah, I got swept into it too, who wouldn’t when a single Boba Fett figure fetched $200+ (I still have it tho, couldn’t sell lol)…but now 95% of anything that once had value is worth shit…
Point being, when a hobby becomes about money only, it’s not a hobby, it’s “business” and business is not a hobby. I do believe in smart choices with anything you put money into; and most importantly with a hobby is what something is worth to you! And when it comes to this hobby in particular, collecting for investment opportunities is high-risk and IMO ridiculous (I am not being a dick or attacking you, but any investment broker would laugh and kick you in the nuts as he pointed at the door). The market for Myers Masks (and many other horror masks) is VERY small, your biggest avenue for buy/sell being this website along with a very very small handful of others, and those sites are mostly visited by members here. Ebay (until Trancas’ temper tantrum) was a larger avenue, but unless the buyers were from here, the majority of buyers are naive and just want a “Myers mask,” so tossing out verbiage like (making this up guys lol) “Michael Myers Mask, NAG/AHG H78 RETOOL Nik’s personnel copy!!” doesn’t mean anything to the world. The best you masks for investment purposes are the actual screen-used, and even those aren’t “in demand.”
If you are in a “hobby” for investment purposes, this is the wrong one man…a hobby for greed is wrong in general…but if that’s what you’re after you need to get into something that has world wide demand and public awareness…comic books, baseball cards, autographs, Jack Daniels memorabilia, KISS…but truly no “collecting” ever has an “investment” future, it’s all chance based on demand, availability, age and economy (example: kids don’t collect baseball cards anymore, they could careless about a mint Micky Mantle rookie card).
Dude, people walk into my office and see my collection and say things like “…[in ref to Myers mask] Ya, I like the Jason movies…” “…[I was dressed as Jason pt6, guy saying to his little girl] …thats Michael Myers from those Friday the 13th films…” “…[my mom in regards to the dif masks from each film]…Why so many? THey all look the same…”
…and that, good sir, is the market-research that makes this hobby a fruitful investment opportunity.
We are here because we have heart and passion for the characters, the genre, and the art…the camaraderie, brotherhood, and community we have because of this hobby.
Cheers my friend,