Please welcome to the MOD team...

Glad to have you on board Benny!


Welcome to the Mod Squad, Benny. You are one of the nicest guys I know and it’s a pleasure to have you as a Mod. :smiley:

Oh snap!!! Wow, great selection there w/ Benny. Great guy w/ a positive outlook and very unbiased opinion.

Welcome to the team my friend!!!


Go Benny!!:slight_smile:

Congratulations Benny… :smiley:


Congrats Benny!!! You’ll do great dude! :slight_smile:

Good choice, congratulations Benny :drinkers:

Congrats, man :slight_smile:

Congrats Benny :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Slim pickens again, huh? :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing:
Couldn’t have picked a better level headed person than Benny to take this task.
He truely sets a prime example for all members around here and is a great asset to our community!
Congrats my friend!

YEAH BENNY!!!CONGRATULATIONS,MY FRIEND!!!GREAT CHOICE :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:

Congrats Benny! You are a very welcome addition to the MOD team! CHEERS! :drinkers: :drinkers:

My final say on here is couldn’t happen to a nicer guy

Awesome…Great deal Derek and congrats B…It couldnt have gone to a better or nicer guy…Benny will make a great MOD…Later guys

Sweet deal.

Congrats Benny, you definitly deserve to be a mod my friend, take care, Z


Now this is a great addition! Congrats My friend, you will be awesome!


Congrats Benny you deserve it!

Chalk one up for the good guys! Awesome news, made my day! :wink: