First of all,stop trying to make drama.We must protect this website from things like that especially in general discussion we must be allways carefull what we posting because its the showcase of mmnet.Also i think that belongs to off topic forum…
Hollywood Morgan tried to work with 3 recasted fake masters so far,each time i pm him and he told me im sorry i didnt know and stuff,he also told me :im not interested in selling nightmares anyway:) i appreciated that…
I would like to get MMP email and ask whats going on if someone has it…?
it is also good people who are not involved to not taking possitions because thats how the fights and arguements starting.We(all parts involved) are all grown ups and we can talk politelly…
Nobody called nobody nothing,it was a misandurstanding between me and Chad,Addison still has a icon master wich is not owns and Me and Chad waiting to get that back,after that all things are good.One more member here has probablly a fake one that claim is a good one,2 times i asked him to see it and i got no responce.He is not overdoing it though like one other guy who was selling masters on ebay:)
Anyway i would like to know about each of these masters,not because im someone important or anything but because i spent too much money to get the original ones…
if someone wants to attack me personally,please do it in pms…!
[quote=“nikolasartstudio”]First of all,stop trying to make drama.We must protect this website from things like that especially in general discussion we must be allways carefull what we posting because its the showcase of mmnet.Also i think that belongs to off topic forum…
Hollywood Morgan tried to work with 3 recasted fake masters so far,each time i pm him and he told me im sorry i didnt know and stuff,he also told me :im not interested in selling nightmares anyway:) i appreciated that…
I am not interested in working with recasts, you’re right! I have all the PM’s of what was said between us saved. From what I know MMP got the master directly from Justin and he was the first to produce the Nightwatcher/Nightmare whatever you want to call it YEARS ago. I was told i was purchasing a NIGHTWATCHER master copy directly from Gary himself, who produced it because he is not doing masks anymore.
if you have myspace, contact him there! thats how anyone corresponds with him.
go for it if its a good mold then why not hell its a nightwatcher… I think justin did a great job with that mask regardless of the name its my favorite mask.
Nik bought the nightmare mask and name so if theres a similar mask out there, or any resemblence is purely coincidental.
mmp is the reson the nightmare is not a legit master to have. they made a deal with justin and never paid for it with what they said they in all reality no one but justin should sell the nightmare.NO ONE. it was never paid for .it was stolen to say the who ever has it has property of justins…tommy
Well,I paid for it.And very good money,all the masters i found i bought them…as i said before people who are not involved only mess can create,of course you can have your opinions and express them anyway you like (inside this forum’s rules) but im only seein people who dont even know what the nightnare masters look like to say stuff,i think thats at least funny…people who working under the table talking in public about masters,working with recasts with no bought rights or anything and they have opinions on the nightmare and other stuff…:)please…for the sake of the forum try to speak when you actually know stuff…Darb sent me a pm that the nightmare exist before i start making myers masks:)and with his logic that means that i cant buy something if exists from before…anyway please try to understand that we have rules here,i didnt make up the rules,im going BY the rules though…try to do the same for the sake of the boards…
i agree too,im allways saying that.Competition makes us keep our prices good and give us a boost to try to make better masks each time.But competition inside mmnet rules because llatelly im compettiting with Toths sculpt and other actual hero molds
ya and i also said the mask has been in many hands saying you can only be the sole owner of it is ridiculous. deal with the competition its business and justin is the one to know the true story behind it
i see the point here Tommy and you are 100% correct…why dont i offer this…to make this whole thing RIGHT with the world…
My idea-I buy the master off MMP, then contact Justin and offer him the money he never got, that way it’s legit and the Nightmare/Nightwatcher/ Nightmare 78/ and whatever else it has been since is over with!
Because if MMP took it and i am buying MMP’s, thats the master! Justin needs to be paid for it and id be glad to
Nothing is rediculus brother trust me on that.The last thing i wanted is to buy the masters and work with them,the easiest?buy a good copy enlarge it and work with it.Did i do it?no!!!Why?because i think its unethical and iv been told that if i do it ill be banned,im seein people who doing it though and none of them getting banned and thats frustrating the least…im saying i got it that much,from that guy, and here is a pic of this master.Can anyone do the same?i dont have secrets,im allways saying where a mask is coming from and what is it,allways.i dont have a reason to lie.
Its still not good,and ill tell you why.Justins master that MMP had is in my hands and i paid for it.I dont think MMP had rights to sell masters of the nightmare from Justin but only to produce copies.The best way is to buy a master from Justin ask him to cast you a master and to sign it,this wai no one will say anything.Thats more fair for Justin and for all of us who paid all this money…
I think Justin should have said that when happend and get the master back from Andrew then,because so far this master cost a lot to others to get it.If someone refunds me,Andrew and Chad we all be happy to leave the rights and everyone to recast it or sell it or do whatever he wants untill then though try to respect our effords time and money…
Keep this thread friendly or warnings WILL be issued.
By the way, Justin would say that Gary STOLE that master from him because that is the truth. Gary ripped Justin off many, many years ago & never made good on the deal. These are facts.