I am trying to work out a deal with Gary (MMP) for a master copy of his Nightwatcher! I know alot of people mentioned they liked this mask, and I like it as well.
I know his rep is bad with alot of people, but what I am thinking of doing is arranging me picking it up directly from him, no shipping and no money exchanged till i have it in my hands. it’d take me 5 hrs to get there and would save a headache…is it worth it for a master copy of this mask?
if you could retool it a bit and fix those eyecuts it’d be worth it 100% IMO
yeah dude i agree. I have dealt with Gary 10 yrs ago with the Samhain and never had any trouble but i know some have. Since I have not done business with him in 10 yrs, i think it would be wise to arrange a pick up.
yeah it has alot of potential. like V123 said rework the eyes alittle bit and you would have a killer H1 producer! i’d say go for it.
Dude, go for it! what do you have to lose, some gas? 
From what I have been hearing, Bring a black light, gloves, DNA kit and lysol

My opinion is I wouldn’t touch that master copy w/ a 10 ft pole simply due to the headaches that will come with it.
If Nightwatcher IS Nightmare (I’ve never seen it, don’t call em out on this, I’m basing it on the post above), then expect a full out fit from Nik if you produce them…
If you think it’s worth it Bro. Where is he? Stop by the house on the way LOL
he is in Bama…how far is that from Atlanta area? maybe i can drive half way, crash at your place then drive the rest of the way next day? who knows 
and about everyone saying NIGHTWATCHER= NIGHTMARE…
this is the MMP version from the gallery section itself
Nightmare/Nightwatcher is an H1 mask made by Mask Maker Productions. There are multiple versions of this mask and finish varies from mask to mask.
The origin of this mask is that it was originally done by Justin at Nightowl Productions, when he clay pressed an original 75 Kirk that had it’s eye’s cut. Justin didn’t like how the mask turned out and MMP ended up with it.
- This mask is no longer in production, but may be found in the Michael-Myers.net classifieds or on eBay.
MASK VALUED AT: $150 - $175
this here is the one NAG produces…straight from the gallery
NAG Nightmare
The NAG Nightmare is an H1 replica by Nikolas Art Gallery.
The NAG Nightmare comes from an original mold of the Nightmare that dates back to the early days of Myers Mask collecting. Although the origins of the mask is a little cloudy, one fact is for sure, it comes from an original recasting of the 75 Kirk.
The mask is available through Nikolas Art Gallery and comes in a variety of finishes, contact Nikolas at: http://www.nikolassculpturestudio.com/home.html. The cost starts at $250 and up depending on finish plus shipping.
Well it is the nightmare. It’s just like the 10/31 by crypt co is the fear. No difference other than the name.
agree with you, but obviously me buying the master copy from Gary would be no different than me buying one from NAG…they both produce/produced them…so it’s definitley legit
apparently its only legit if you pay a lot of money to acquire it. and there must be a signature inside the master
Yea I’m not saying that you would be in the wrong to buy it. It’s wrong for so many “master” copies to be sold of the same thing though. There should only be one, and there are how many out there now?
hey bro, hope you didnt take it that i was thinking you were…this is why i hate text, everything gets taken out of context hahahaha…
about the masters, from what i understand, there was the one that MMP got from Justin when that whole thing went down, I dont know about the 2nd one, but im sure there was another. I know with my masks i always produce two master copies…you just never know when/if something is going to get screwed up, so got to protect yourself.
much like there were two HE’s…you had the MMP version and the FOE Kreation X version.
That’s all i really know, but I’m buying mine straight from someone who has sold them for years, so it’s def a legit master
Hollywood Morgan, you must have missed the whole fiasco with Nik about that.
“ColdBlooded Killer” commissioned “addison.morarre.” to do a re-tool of the “Icon” mask which is a re-tool of the Nightmare (I beleive) done by Josh Russell. Even though it was re-tooled heavily by both Josh and Addison, Nik claims he owns the rights to any Nightmare’s out there because he now owns the master copy (which I guess came with rights to sell, which is strange because there are so many masters of the Nightmare out there, not all of which are recasts however). So even though the mask was not a re-casted Nightmare, it was a re-casted Icon, they came to an agreement not to produce the mask (which I still think was a dumb decision, there is nothing legally wrong with producing it).
I think if you buy the master you, as well, will just put yourself in a whole relm of unwanted stress from Nik.
I think it’s funny though… Everyone called Addison and CBK “recasting bastards” when they did it.