Who has a new H2 Bloody mask from Nikolas?
Can you please post a picture here (before I order one) would help me a lot!!
BIG thanks
Ol’ Slicer’s got one. Here’s the link;
I personally prefer Sam at HSS and Casey at the Prop Shop’s copies. Something about Nik’s H2’s just aren’t doing it for me. ESCPECIALLY the Revolver. But I’ll leave it up to you.
Your Welcome,
HSS Looks nice and all but i really dont like the propshops Myers masks. Just not accurate for me. Nik’s is very accurate in my eyes. Especially in person. It fits so perfectly on me. I love it to death!! The Revolver color isnt right, i agree, which is why i’d ask for a custom paint up which would be more like a cream-white color.