Post pictures of your Halloween costume for 2009!

Let’s see them! :smiling_imp:

I personally will be dressing up as Rob Zombie’s H2 Michael Myers

Im gonna be H1 style this year. Very nice RZ2 by the way, thats awesome! Cheers :drinkers:


either H20 myers

or leatherface

Thanks man! I love the St. Nick. :sunglasses:

Pantera, your leatherface looks great!

My Big Macs and NAG/JC H78 Retool.

It will be RZ H2 for me…Begining version…

Either this . . .
. . .or this. Not sure which one yet!

Well time for a change this year me thinks, done Myers for the last 5 years…

probably this

and this

Awesome costumes guys!

Keep them coming! :smiling_imp:

love the costume pics guys. I will have my rzh2 up shortly :smiley:

Either this…

Or this…

Can’t decide yet.

Cool costumes guys still waiting for a few things in order to complete my possible costume. This year, I don’t think anyones done it, but I’ might be the first to try it. I might be Conal Cochran, or my own version haha cause i’m not even of Irish descent. :laughing: Either that or a 70s drug lord.

Harry Warden for me as well.

Wow! That is a great costume!! Where did you find all those clothes?

Couple Quick Pics…

Looking good guys!

Seeing all of these puts me in the biggest Halloween mood! :smiling_imp: