Thought I’d change things up from the usual H1s and 2s for a while. Any props, alternate masks, costume pieces (coveralls/boots/other character outfits), and of course Myers masks welcome!
Sadly, I don’t have anything to offer. My ToTs H4 that I ordered won’t come in until August or September and there’s nothing else. Hopefully soon I can get some good indie H4’s and 5’s, along with 6, H20 and Resurrection
This is my CS Resurrection mask. I’m the original owner and I believe it was a decent copy, nothing special. Paid around $69.99 for it back in 2002. My first Myers mask as well, as it was the only one I could get back then. I still enjoy it and it is still wearable. Hope you enjoy!
Yeah. I tend to buy aftermarket only for that exact reason. If you want an H5 to tide you through, a Rubies can be respectable if rehauled correctly. Do be sure to post your converted kirk H4 and TOTS H4 when you get them and convert the kirk. I’m interested to see the difference in terms of accuracy. For 6-8, I’ve found that TOTS does a really good job, not too much of a need for indie masks there imo. The TOTS H8 does need a repaint and you could probably give them all a rehair, but in terms of sculpt they’re good enough factory new. I’m very impressed with the TOTS H6, I don’t think it really needs any modification at all.
I did make a list of all the ToTs Michael Myers related masks I was going to get that listed the H5 to H8 masks as “repainted and rehaired by someone more skilled”. Though I’m not so sure about if the H20 needs a repaint or just needs a rehairing.