Found this site and thought it might be kinda fun.
Nice man, I’m going to mess with that later… Thanks for sharing bro
I’m In! Good Stuff Man!
This is pretty cool man…Thanks for posting this bro and nice pics everyone…Later guys
These shots are awesome…Great work everyone…Keep’m Coming!
Yeah skutterk,
This is a freakin’ cool find man.
When I get back late tonight, I will be fiddling on here no doubt!!
Sweet pictures everyone!
Holy Spit!
Best Joke Of The Year!!!
Pretty fly for a white guy!
Man, I’m still laughing at that! ^^^^^^^^^
LOL great stuff guy’s
I couldn’t resist!
Very cool! Thanks so much for pointing this site out to us man Awesome work everyone! J your Christmas one is a classic bro
Jay Muzz
This was just so cool I thought id do a few with my classic pics…Thanks again for posting this bro…Everyone has some great shots on these magazines …Later guys
Awesome caesar Those look sooo much like screen shots bro!
Thanks Jay, Sweet pictures yourself and everyone!