Post Your Buried!

Great idea man and I love your copy bro…Here is a bunch of mine…Scott did the hair and Chad did the paint…Wicked combination :sunglasses: …Later guys

dude the hair on you guys;s copies is seriously unreal…i wanna see more buried H2s theyre like nowhere

Damn they are 2 sick masks. Holy shit they look just like the movie mask.

Thanks guys…The B2 isnt out yet but its coming soon… :sunglasses:

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

MAN OH MAN!!! great pictures fellas Steve, Cesar, MickIbanez, just awesome!!! Cesar Chad really did a great job painting up that bad boy the detail is wicked!!! and Scott is da man when hairing these! keep posting those Burieds!

Thanks bro…Yeah Ive always been fond of your copy as well bud…Yeah Chad does great paint work…When I had him do it I wanted the mask to have the onscreen slightly darker look…I think he nailed it nicely…Id like to get their Buzznet version as well though so I have both an onscreen style mask and one that looks like Tylers…Thanks again bro

who do i need to contact to pick one of these up? i heard there discontinued :frowning:

Wicked Masks Guys :rock: :rock: :rock:

i doubt they will get discontinued, and you contact member 1971 for one :smiley: take care, Z

Man, I love all of your Buried photos! This is an incredibly eerie mask!! I LOVE IT! :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:

All these shots are great. I love the Buried, it feels so screen accurate. Geat masks, guys.

thanks dude, when it comes down to it buried and unearthed are king, just my opion of course, just reserved an order slot for unearthed, so buried will have to stay that way for awhile :frowning: …but fuk man unearthed cant wait for that, paitence siiiiiiiiiigh :laughing:

Great shots everyone…the Buried mask is awesome…some lucky owners out there :mrgreen:

My old copy.

I feel like an Idiot, who made the Buried mask?
On topic.
Amazing, and I mean amazing masks everyone!