Post your entire HalloweeN collection. Let's see them guys.

Well it’s almost October so let’s show some HalloweeN love by posting our collections! Here’s mine. It will be a year in October since I started in this awesome hobby. Cheers. :drinkers:

Myn is not an amazing collection, just enough to use for my Michael Costumes

Waiting for my remake kitchen knife, and my H2 exposed mask, and that completes my Michael collection

The place is a bit of a mess, moving soon

Full displayed collection:

My PropShop RZH1 is in storage ATM, because I have no place to put it:

Hobe Myers jacket:

H1/H2 coverals:

H1/H2 boots:

Great masks and props guys. Thanks for sharing.

Not everything as i have alot of masks on the way but this is what i got now (75k, 2nd from left is sold)

Damn rabbitinred your layout is great eye candy! Placing the props next to each appropriate mask is a very nice touch.

Really nice collection. Your N/O masks are great and also your H3’s!

Sweet lineup, literally. Which one is your fav?

Thank you. I really enjoy not only collecting the masks but also the complimenting pieces as well.

Great collection shots my friend and really love that poster :drinkers:

Thx mate :slight_smile: I must say my new JC MMK Promo is my favorite atm, together with my JC 75k H1 #3 :slight_smile:

Well I’m gonna try to post these…

Also a few posters I couldn’t get to roll out!!

Great stuff man… And damn, you have a lot of coveralls. :open_mouth:

Collection has been moved into the garage for now with a new baby boy in the house.


Great collection Lamson! :smiley: I always wondered what was hiding out in them Kentucky woods! :smiling_imp:

You definitely have some beauties in that collection. Thanks for sharing. :rock:

Thanks guys, don’t have a cool “corner or spot”. Kinda like my little secrets in the closet!! Lol