Post your Grails! Can be any mask, props, etc… doesn’t have to be Myers mask related!
Here’s my 2005 Psycho, all original by Justin Mabry!
Post your Grails! Can be any mask, props, etc… doesn’t have to be Myers mask related!
Here’s my 2005 Psycho, all original by Justin Mabry!
Love your Psycho brother! It is definitely a tough choice for me but I love the Maniac so much I gotta go with the #5 on the right
My 1986 JCM 800 Marshall Bass Rig, still waiting out on a Rickenbacker 4001-4004 bass to add with it
Grail # 1 “Thor”
Grail # 2 “Life Size Papa Emeritus 3”
Grail # 3 “Sasquatch”
Grail # 4 “Nag/JC 75K Old Mold”
80’s Korean swinguard Rizzuto clone seen in many 80’s movies.
KHU Number 13.
Haha, Thor is a beautiful Sheppard man, got a good size to him too! We used to have one too, his name was Caesar.
My Auzorann Hush mask. Not many of these were made.
Caesar is a great name. I’m sure he was a great dog too.
Atm, all I have is a 2 year old ToTs H2 (stuffed for more of a Warlock stretch) and a knock off $30 cosermart mask, so my grail is my ToTs H40 I got recently at the start of this month. it hasn’t been repainted or rehaired (besides me ripping out the mullet). I am getting it sent off though to truly become my grail after I use it for a convention coming up. With the right lighting and effects added (aswell as camera, mine sucks), it can look badass
Definitely my Auzorann “THREE” bust, got the first production copy
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Love that you threw your dog in here man! Chanel is definitely my grail as well. Already had to sell a few grails when she broke her leg and don’t regret it for a second. Dogs are truly family
And for H1 I have to say my NightOwl/JC Shat takes the cake for me. Can’t wait for the 75k Castle either. Can only hope it is half as perfect as Caleb’s copy!
Here are few of my prize pieces.
Man, I want one of these.
Just scored this JC MMK of a member here! Can’t wait to get it. Will definitely be my H1 grail
Awe she’s gorgeous! I hope her leg’s doing okay. What breed is she?
Killer stuff guys!
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