Post Your H2 Blood Tears Masks

I am a huge fan of the Blood Tears mask, and unfortunately, I don’t see many of them around here. I’m getting my JC 99 Shatner with Blood Tears, and I was just in the mood to see what you guys have.

Here is my “patient” mask with bloody eyes, enjoy!

This is my UL 75 Blood tears. BUT!!! I have a KILLER ONE in the WORKS!!! Coming soon to your Local Theaters! :smiley: Bob

The Patient is a nice mask, paint work is exceptional.

I think this one is a Killing Machine…

Heres my Blood Tears mask!! :smiley:

nice pics! these are badass! KEEP THEM COMING! don’t see tons of Blood Tears.

Hell yeah guys…keep em coming :smiling_imp:

Nice pics guys, I love the Blood Tears. …ANDY

NAG/JC MINT 75 #19 “BLOOD TEARS” Dick Warlock TRIBUTE mask:

mike that mask is stellar. the blood on that one looks so perfect. i LOVE the weathering on the neck of that.

Thanks bro… James deserves all the credit on this mask. :rock: :rock:


Dude, that’s sick!