Post your H30 Thorned & Five Masks

Im thinking of getting a Thorned & Five from Gary @ H30, can you guys please post your pics and give me some feedback on the masks…Cheers

Thorned are not long available. Only a limited number of 20 were ever made.

I’m thinking of selling mine. PM me and I’ll send you some pics and all.

wrong, thorned le, was 20, the normal thorned is still avalable, Z

I thought so :smiley:

Anyhoo, I think the LE look 1000 times better.

I got my H30 Thorned in the mail yesterday and I love it. The paint job is unreal.

Here’s some old ones of both the standard and LE:

I notice the paint job, what other differences are there between the standard and LE?

The longer neck and definitely the nose. The nose is the most noticeable (and most important to me). The standard’s nose is more accurate to me. I believe when I talked to Gary about the differences he said he pushed the nose in on the LE or something. Also, I think the LE is smoothed out.

Thanks. I like the longer neck on the LE but I think I like the look of the standard better. I liked that the H6 mask had kind of an oatmeal complexion, made it more unique among the movie masks.

haha seems all the sixes got the warts or zits on the side of the chin