Post your Hobo Myers costumes

I’m making one for this Halloween and I wanna see what they look like. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Here ya go:

Hope this helps

Great setup Chris! Very nice! :rock:

Heres some pics of mine i been havin for a while now…
Picture 076.jpg
Picture 264.jpg

love it!

My upcoming movie. This is a glimpse of my hobo outfit.
Picture 196.jpg

Upcoming movie? I’m interested in this. Any details you can give me?

and my hobo costume @ 1:07


forgot to add link and it keeps deleting what i already wrote when i go to edit my comment but heres is link 1:07 for hobo

i know is not accurate at all but here is the only thing i found for make the most like it!!!

It’s no big deal man, your hobo Myers is just going for the Marty McFly look! :smiley:
I like the look of it, love the weathering. Nice job!

LOL LOL LOL you make me think in a homeless marty lololololololo thanks a lot!

Not really a costume, but I made a pretty good hobo Myers.

dam! u shud throw on a half mask!

Whoa man, u look just like him lol :open_mouth:

Ha ha, thanks! My beard used to be longer, around 5 or 6 inches long before I cut it.