Post your N.O Creep

Hey guys! I’m close to ordering a creep from justin and just wanted to see some pictures of some different finishes so I know what I want. Thanks ahead of time’

Here’s my 2014 NO Creep:

Here’s my copy labelled “original run” inside.

My goodness :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

My old Creep.

Can u tell him what hair u want? Cause I notice most of your guys hairs are different

The older copies have a soft type of mohair.
Justin uses a new fiber which is much closer to the real deal with the new ones. It’s much poofier and thick.

It’s always good to see some killer N.O. Creeps around here… and you guys have delivered the goods! :drinkers:

Great Creeps, everyone!

:open_mouth: That truly is an amazing shot, K! That’s Warlock right there. :rock:


Thanks Mark! :slight_smile:

Cool creeps gentleman!!

This thread oozes Halloween… I will be rejoining the owl gang once again soon enough :slight_smile:

I can’t wait to get one!

Gotta love the creep. I found this one on YouTube that I absolutely love. Perfect. I’m gonna use this as my reference to justin

Nice creeps guys! I think I might get one soon

Here’s my 2012 that Benny flat ass killed for me :smiling_imp:

Just got this bad boy last month.