POTD 3/13


JC Shat #1 & Freddy Loper H2 Maniac #1

LOVE that JC shat! I still can’t seem to get on his list lol


After 4 months, I finally got this yesterday. I’ll get it rehauled and rehaired soon :smiley:

Aren’t you tired of that Maniac yet? I’ll tell ya what… box it up tonight and ship it out to me tomorrow. I have a really nice spot in my cabinet for it.




I’m a Maniac addict brotha :smiling_imp:

The AHG H1 #1 & Loper H2 #1 are like brothers, I can’t split the family :rolleyes:

Everyone has a price :wink:. J/k…those are two of the best maniacs I’ve seen!


I’ve had to sell a few things in this hobby I really regret I don’t think I could let these go unless I absolutely had to! But I really appreciate that man. Even with the JC Shat, my Maniacs are by far my favorite masks! I’ve just always loved the sculpt and feel honored to own the versions I do

I hear ya on that. I have a few that are near and dear to me that I will only sell if I absolutely have to. As crazy as it sounds…one of my biggest regrets is selling my TOTS Hospital mask :laughing: It’s the closest I’ll ever get to owning a Maniac…unless I see one on eBay. But, the sculpt on the Maniac is easily in my top 3 favorite sculpts.


Absolutely gorgeous photos man, perfect lighting

Thank you very much for your nice words. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: