POTD 4/12

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Got any worn shots bud? My friend sold this to ya earlier this year on eBay. Used to own this copy and it is badass! A bit too small for me but if it fits you man it is menacing.

And awesome shots everybody!

Added a warlock stretch to my ToTs H2, in my opinion the front looks a little off but the sides look perfect (and yeah you can see the stuffing I used, I’ll try to find a way to hide it)

Looks good, you ever think about getting some foam and hot gluing it to the sides on the inside so that it will give you the wider look?
Wouldn’t have to fuss with the bags either anymore.

I’m honestly dumbfounded at the decision to make that massive mask the default for ToTS. It’s way too damn big. I looked like a bobblehead in the thing and it sat on my shoulders. I have a 23" head. I leave it on a foam head with stuffing in the top now. They offered a small but apparently not anymore.

Yeah, I have a picture of me wearing it at my school mixer which was one of the first times I wore it, my head was even smaller at the time so yeah. I don’t know why they aren’t selling small ones anymore.