Proper costume shots of my 2nd Psycho,more on pg2

Never had the chance to take proper shots of this copy which I recieved February.
The shots I posted back then were just quick ones.
Thanks for looking!

Awesome mask and pictures!
Great job :sunglasses:

Killer shots bro!!!

You have one of the best damn Psychos out there :rock:

Awesome job!!!, :rock:

Love em K. Your pics are really a treat to see.

That mask is wicked! I really dig that first pic a lot, TK.

Great stuff!

Love the psycho! Your shots are beautiful bro.

It’s like looking at Mr. Myers himself.
Very, Very nice my friend.
Nick :axe:

WOW! Those are some great shots brotha!!! That is a awesome Psycho!!!

Some superb photografic’s Kaizu !!
frank :wink:

Thank you Chucky, Ghost, James, Chase, Dazzling D, Ryan, Nick, Anthony, and Frank :sunglasses: :sunglasses:
Means alot guys!!

That is a PSYCHOtic Psycho bro and you wear it very well.Love that first pic in particular.Nick Castle all the way!!

Thanks Randy :sunglasses: :sunglasses:


Nice Pics K. The last one is magical.

:arrow_right: :rock: :arrow_right: :smiling_imp: :arrow_right: :smiley: :arrow_right: :drinkers: :arrow_right: :mrgreen: :arrow_right: :open_mouth:

Sweet psycho K!

That’s Psycholicious!! You look stunning, ninja bro! :mrgreen: :rock: :mrgreen:

Thanks again knightnite05, Cade, Big Boss Matthew, Mr H1, and Ninja Girl :rock:
Last batch!

That’s a really nice copy! You wear it well!