Prototype mask sceen accurate H40!!

I have the luck and the happiness to present you my last and last purchase :slight_smile: it is about the personal prototype mask of ryan treuhaft repainted by him to resemble the screen precise that one sees in the video on youtube at the festival of mask. Here are some details about the mask.

-1/100 signed closet scene prototype
-completely striped of old paint
-ear holes filled in, and mouth sealed
-screen accurate Justin Mabry Night shade paints including the skin illustrator ppi makeup.
-rehaired with crepe / and camel hair

thank you and I hope that the comments will be numerous!

Very nice! This is quite the score my friend. Just phenomenal.

thank you very much, it’s nice, a lot of people look but do not comment :frowning:

I understand, either way; that is a great piece. I’d hold on to that if I were you. There are a few comparable but I personally would not let particular one go. I have an H40 but have yet to get it rehauled. Not sure who to commission.

Prob get more comments if you put it in the correct sub forum

That looks like the hero to me. Great mask!

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what is the correct section?

thank you man :slight_smile:

General discussion

nice i have one of these too., but dont know all the signatures. Who signed off on the bottom of 1/100

That is amazing score. Yea I can’t wait till I get one for myself