PsychopatH2 please!

I don’t know exactly who owns one of these other than shortyshyt(?) so could any and all of you who own one please post some pics? Thank you.

I’ve got one for sale in the classifieds if you’re interested…

LOL my screenname is “shortshyt14”

I already went ahead and purchased one from Casey but thanks for the pic.

Woah! Dren bought a RZ mask?! :open_mouth:


I’ll give further explanation when I post pics. :laughing:

for some reason I am expecting pics of myers bumming change ha ha

for some reason I am expecting pics of myers bumming change ha ha

I actually did have some ideas for parody pics.

Dren has become very good friends with Rob Zombie so don’t let this be too much of a shock. lol

heres my version I call it the “BoogieMane”

Uhh…that’s not a PsychopatH2 bud.

Anyway, I just got an email this morning saying mine was on it’s way (already, wow!) so I should have pics of it up soon.

Cant wait to see pics Dren.