Quality pictures of a newbies collection

Here are some decent pics of my collection, only put it together in the past few weeks and i am thinking of putting another same case next to it but not sure if it would ruin the look ( The wife hates them as it is ). I have a H20 from Gary on order but realy need an Awsome H1 to set it all of :frowning:

Nice how you added a small plaque with the name of the masks :slight_smile:
Nice collection :rock:

Great collection man.I love the display.Nice pics โ€ฆ

nice collection man, and i agree with kaizu, those plaques look awesome! :smiley:

Love the display - great collection!

Nice collection you have there, as far as wifey goes, sheโ€™ll get over it. Lol

I think the plaques really look good with your masks. Nice!