Question about 75 DP Kirk Hair

What was the hair on the original Hero/75 DP Kirk made of? Even with all of the historical threads and discussions, I don’t see a post about what DP used back then for hair on the mask. Thanks!

I think it was blondish crepe wool hair.

There isn’t an exact answer. Answers very everywhere from yak belly hair (Josh) to Crepe wool (Billy Kirkus and DPS) and everything in between. I think the hare that they used probably very rude buy the year depending on what was cheapest. Until someone has it tested I’d say it’s a mystery. Most people will say they know it’s this that or the other because they know of a close fiber but really it’s kinda hard to tell. I hope that made sense hahaha.

Maybe someone who bought the KHU have enough money to test it =)

Maybe this is something that could be answered by Mark Roberts in the ongoing interview about the hero :wink:

If only, honestly I’m not sure if 1 hair would be enough or if anyone would sacrifice their one piece for testing.

Hopefully! Wonder if he’s ever tested it to know?

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Thanks for the answer. I had a feeling the exact make was unknown, but then I started questioning myself and looking AGAIN through a the mask history threads.

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when i was having the tharps finish the life cast kirks, i sent them some hand dyed mohair. they said they used a type of mohair for the protos and what i sent looked close. Then jimmy F. had them do a project for him and sent them crepe- they said that was close to what they used on kirks…probably production mask kirks since its cheaper.
who would know better than the tharps? there ya go!
nick m