Question about his outfit.

It is a normal hoodie our it is a jacket thats he wheres under the vest?

At this Halloween I will dress up like him so a answer would be great :smiley:

Its a jacket he wore under the camaflouge vest

actually from the looks of it the hood is attatched to the camo vest.

i bleieve there are two versions…i have seen the jacket with the hood and i have seen the vest with the hood as well

yeah your right. the coar underneath has a hood in some and then in the promo pics and some stuff the vest has the hood…

It’s a camo vest and a reebok hoodie dark blue.

If you look at the kick ass pics in the Oct. issue of Revolver Magazine, it looks like he its 3 parts. The first is a red flanel with the lineing ripped and weathered, then the 2nd is a long black wool coat thats shreded and dirty looking, and finaly the third is a camo jacket with the sleeves ripped off and a attached hood.

I actually know all of the pieces pretty accurately now. Ill be selling the outfit soon on my site

He wears a camo jacket no sleeves or hood, a reebok hoodie dark blue ,a black jacket and a flannel jacket with the lining ripped up.