So I have a St.Nick and a Warlock. Today i went out and bought a stand (formally for paper towels) but Im using it as a mask stand. On one of the stands, it has a T- shaped rack and the other one has a ball end. What I did was put a sock over both of them, and then put the mask on the stand. Is this an acceptable way to put the mask on the stand. I just dont want the mask to get damaged or something bad happen. Thanks
BTW, I do have the curse of michael myers dvd (not the cut everyone talks about) but i let someone borrow it, I just have to get it back.
How exactly do i do that without having the mask not sit right on the stand? I tried this method, I stuffed them with plastic grocery bags and the masks do not sit on the correct position. I thought you had to only stuff them if you were putting the masks away for awhile (like in a box), so that they dont lose shape over time. Can someone help me out here.
Well…what I do is stick a foam head on the paper towel holder/mask stand… and then I put the mask over it !!! That way it sits straight, and keeps its shape !!!
Makes perfect sense now, I was in the belief that where the mask rests, needs to be stuffed. Thanks again, Im kinda new to the whole collecting mask hobby.