What color were is lips? We’re they just darker than his skin tone, or are they pink like Spock?
Much depends on the copy!
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Okay, so pink like Spock’s would be okay? I hope it’s okay to post this photo, but this is what I was referring to
It would be fine, some copies have darker lips than other. All personal preference
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Thank you again TheGhostlyshape
No problem!
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At least on some copies there seems to be a fair bit of airbrushing around the eyes and nose/mouth folds as well as the reddened lips:
It seems like the whole face is airbrushed to add more contrasts.
Thank you Flamin’Tramer, that’s a great photo that shows the colors
I think the ones with what seems like to have little paint is do to “Mask rust” That and we also have to remember That mask was made from 75(6)-1981? so the paint scheme may have changed throughout the years…
Beautiful mask