questions about my life size Michael Myers mannequin

Hello, I haven’t posted much on this forum yet, but I have some questions on how to improve a life size mannequin that I put together a few months ago, first I wanted to get my mask repainted by remzap86, but I have already painted some of it with liquid latex and acrylic paint, would he be able to remove it? I also wanted to attach some new hands(I was thinking maybe handiboy knife wielder ones) and was wondering how I would attach them.
Michael myers mannequin.jpg
mask repaint.jpg

I am glad you asked the question about the hands. I too want to put together a life size mannequin Myers, but I was not wanted the standard hands. I know there are some artist that sell the hands, I just didn’t know how I was supposed to go about putting them on? I even thought about sawing off the hands on the life size, and then using duct tape for the new hands

I also thought about using duct tape, the hands on the mannequin screw off and on a bit further up the forearm.

I would cut off the hands. Epoxy the new hands on. Fill the seam with auto body filler. sand and paint

I am not sure if that is necessary, the hands screw off about 3 inches above the wrist and judging by the pictures on the handiboy website, they also have a few extra inches above the wrist, I wouldn’t need to paint anything because where the hand connects would be hidden by the sleeve, I’m just wondering if duct tape would be strong enough to hold, or would I need to use epoxy?
knife wielder hands.jpg

What are the Handiboy hands made of?? Actually the original mannequin hands don’t look that bad. Just need to be painted up

they are made of latex, I agree the mannequin hands don’t look that bad, that’s probably why I kept them on there for so long, the problem is they can’t hold heavier knives and they look a bit too small for the mannequin, I’m also not very confident in my painting abilities despite my name.

Base flesh color with some dirt weathering and blood and your good to go man!! :axe:

I’ll probably go with the knife wielder hands just because they are larger, I also have ordered a nightowl creep mask and was debating on whether or not to swap the masks and make it an h1 mannequin, the problem is that the mannequin stands about 6ft 4 and the 2018 mask is extremely tight on it, is the creep larger than the tots 2018 mask?

I have watched this video a few times for some ideas, etc. This guy appears to be a pro at what he does, and he himself suggests duct tape on certain areas of the mannequin. Look at the video when you get a chance. It’s pretty cool

I remember seeing watching this video when it first came out and completely forgot he used duct to hold the arms, thanks for the suggestion.