I’d like to know if there is anybody out there who has (or knows somebody who has) an extremely rare widescreen/uncut DVD copy of Terror in the Aisles, that was taken directly from the Japanese laserdisc (other than the seller in the above link). To me, this is the only way to watch the film, as all the full-screen versions have been stretched. I am looking for anyone with a DVD copy from the laserdisc.
That LD is so rare.
I didn’t know that was the definitive cut…
I saw that selling at a used record shop maybe last year
I’ve got a copy. Note the japanese subs.
I have several copies (five differents: three VHS-rips, a DVB-Rip and this one LB-Rip) of this movie and none satisfies me fullly. Has someone some DVB-Rip with good quality? I believe that channels of television like Chiller or Starz issue(emit) it at some time. I am from Spain.
The only reason they call it the un-cut version is because a LOT of those movies/scenes you see in “Terror in the Aisles” are/were banned from being released/shown overseas by their governments. Censorship at it’s finest; thank god we have freedom here…(until the government will take it under the big “O”. )