Rehaired & detailed my Warlock.......H2 BABY!!!!

Here is my early run Warlock that I just finished rehairing and reworking some facial details and paint. I reworked the lip area, nose and eyes to better suit my H2 cravings. I did this to give it a more “mean and angry” look which is what I see in the H2 hero. I rehaired it with super fine baby camel hair which turned out perfect to me! It has the perfect color, feel and perfect “nappy” look as well. It looks more reddish in the pics than it actually is. It has a very film accurate feel about it in person and it’s the best Warlock that I have owned. It’s a smaller pull than some of my other Warlocks for sure which is just lovely to me! I might just have to hang on to this bad boy, but not sure!!! :wink:

Here’s a ton of pics so please enjoy.


:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:
I am sending you a mask! I don’t know what yet, :laughing: , but I’m sold!!!

My Psycho 81 will be on your doorstep before much longer. Looks pretty good.

good job james! i agree, you couldnt have chose a better type of hair or laid it any better than you did :wink:

awsome mask realy looks like the h2 mask you did an awsome job :finga:

Perfect finishing! its obvious that alot of love to detail sticks into this.

LOVE the hair color!!! :smiley:
Great job again JC!!! :sunglasses:

nice job jc, looks good :drinkers:

Turned out Great, really like the hair work on it…

WOW, Mask looks awesome, hair color is great, very nice work

So let your soul glo! That is afro-sheen baby!

wow :open_mouth: very very very H2 my friend

thats is the perfect h2 look there buddy


You did an amazing job on the that JC! Excellent work…you nailed that hairline

Omg great job man looks great! :smiley:

Freakin’ amazing JC - :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: It looks absolutely fantastic!!! WOO HOOO!!!

great job man…tommy :smiley:

Wow James!! Your attention to detail is very noticeable. Hair and weathering look great.

The first two pics are insane! :open_mouth:

JC you’re the man. Great mask dude.