Me, i was 3 years old. You talk about being scared, i was freaked out badly.
But the thing that got me then, was at Tommy’s school when Michael started stalking him. They wouldnt show his head at all “at least up close”! However it had me wondering was he not wearing the mask, cause you wouldnt think they would go that far to hide a mask. But they made a huge smart move for the movie and give that creepy vibe.
So when you watched for the first time, what did you think?
I remember my parents getting the tape from the library. I must’ve been five or six, and man…that movie scared the crap out of me. I had to stop watching after the opening murder. The thought of a kid my age butchering people really disturbed me. Of course, later I gave it another shot and absolutely fell in love.
Yeah - I remember it alright. So does my family & they constantly ask, “Why did we show this crazy bastard this film?!”
I actually saw II first on RCA selectavision, then saw H4 w/ my grandmother in theaters. But, I can remember distinctly that the flashbacks at the beginning of H2 were some of my favorite parts.
No offense to Dick Warlock, as I trust he lurks here from time to time, but I enjoy BOTH versions. First, Castle with his long stretched face…then after much abuse (falling of a balcony w/ “6” shots in him) I could see his face naturally swelling up if for some strange mythical reason he were able to survive such an experience, which gives us the truly remarkable performance by Warlock…Nick had the stalk & Dick had the walk - or however you wanna phrase the wannabe play on words.
halloween is one of the greatest movies of all time.
i also remember the behind the bush scene giving me the creeps. when i was young around 10 i would go up town with friends and skateboard. they would head home because it was getting dark, me the brave little kid i was was still skateboarding around town. anyway a hour or two later i would head on back home. there was this one street that really had something spooky about it at night time. so coming up to this street, heading home the behind the bush scene would play in my head and i would start running as fast as i could to get to the house. that was some awful times of being young.
my mom and dad use to call me more harsh words cause i got so into it…
you know i never thought about michael like that when being shot in the head and then in the body, falling off the balcony and his head swelling up. thats pretty interesting though! speaking of halloween 2 that movie also gave me the goosebumps of being in a hospital at night time. ehhhh…thinking about it now!
I also wanna say Mr. Warlock your performance was just amazing as can be. Thank You
I remember I was like 6 years old. My brothers were 13 and 15 and they had just rented it on VHS. They were watching it in the entertainment room. We had stadium style seating in there, because my parents are huge collectors of random things. We also had one of those projectors that hooked into the VCR. The quality was crap unless it was dark. Well it was a week before Halloween so it was dark. They had shut all the doors and windows.
My parents wouldn’t have let me watch it at that age, but they had left that night and my brothers were supposed to be watching me. Well, they ended up letting me watch it. I was less freaked out than my brothers were. I remember getting goosebumps when Michael was carrying Annie’s body and we got to see it through Tommy’s eyes. I just remember how scared my brothers were and how fixated I was with Michael Myers.
I had to wait two years before I could watch part 2-5.
I was about 3 years old and my parents had rented it and i was watching it with them and honestly i was soooooo interested in it,I wasnt even scared I just kept staring at the screen and I loved it,after that it blew up… I started getting masks,drawing michael myers,buying all the films lol I was obsessed and i was only like 4,I even got in trouble in school for drawing Michael myers with a knife hahaha good times
i remember in 1st grade i was making paper myers doll. it’s all i had to go with cause i didnt know if there was any figures out there in the world for sale. also good times! oh yeah i feel so sorry for my teacher mrs. crow. i was a devil!
i saw h1 when i was in 4th grade…i actually got paranoid and i needed a nightlight, and when i went for walks i kep looking over my shoulder
but the one that really scared me was h2…i was afraid to be in hospitals lol especially one time i was visiting my uncle in a hospital and the power went out and the emergency lights kicked in…i was expecting to see michael walk around the corner
Ya know, I can’t even remember when I first saw Halloween, I just always remember liking it. But If I had to guess, I’d say I probably saw it for the first time on like HBO or something.
hey guys, yeah i couldnt think how long it has been until other day i was going through some old pictures of me at a friends house having a halloween party, BANG it hit me that i was of that age 3. still hard to believe it.