Removing the paint of a TOTS H40 mask

Hi any tips on removing the paint on the H40 mask ? I heard its pretty difficult.


It’s a pain in the you-know-what. :laughing: You have to just try to roll it down with your finger or thumb until you can just grab a little piece. You should get a starting point as you tear off the hair (if you are doing that). Once you can grab a small section, lift it away from the mask. In my experience, it works best if you DON’T pull straight up, but instead stretch it away from the mask at maybe a 45 degree angle. It takes a while and makes your fingers hurt a bit. You can use a Dremel with a felt tip, but I don’t like to on the 2018 mask as it can lead to a little loss in definition on the latex mask itself.

Light dremel work with a felt tip should get the process started

Okey thank you for the tips guys :smiley: