RZ's HalloweeN Screen-used prop. Paper Mache Mask.

Just thought I’d post up some shots of the paper mache mask I won on ebay from Rob Zombie’s account. Also with a screen cap of where it’s at in the film.



Awesome score, man. I saw one of those masks at Cinema Wasteland a few years ago for a pretty good price…I still regret not getting it

This cost me $96 dollars. I didn’t want to pay such a high price for fragile, paper mache, but what I saw others go for, I kind of got off lucky. haha

What RZ Myers mask is that?

Nice man, I like how its made of coloring book pages!

It gives that look as if it really was made of what he could get his hands on :smiley:

THATS AWSOME MAN :rock: :rock:

ncie score! congrats on finding yours on the wall. i’ve never been able to find mine in his room.

Wow! I’m blown away. That is an amazing prop, and it’s equally amazing that you found a screen shot of it!

NICE! From that line-up on the wall, in the first pic, looks like you got one of the more well together masks.

So cool you can see it in the film. Very nice score bra’.

Nice screen cap. I’ve got the 2 mask to the left of yours. Do you have that screen cap without the circle around your mask?

Nice score you got there.

Thanks guys!

And nice masks, DRESSEDTOKILL! And here is the screencap. :slight_smile:

Thank you for the screen cap. Sorry that I didn’t compliment your mask in my response. Its an awesome mask, each of these masks has its own personality and I like yours more than some of my own. :rock:

superb score. :drinkers: :drinkers:

This is awesome. I bet you’re gonna have to pause and look for it at that scene every time you watch it lol. I would love to have one of these but 96$ is just too much for a paper mache mask that most people wont recognize anyway. It is cool that you found yours on the wall though, Rob should give screen caps with the mask that he sells.

Thanks guys.

It was a lot of money, but there is something awesome about seeing it hanging on my wall, “and myself” knowing and seeing this hanging on the wall of our favorite psychopath. maybe that’s not worth $96 bucks, or maybe it was.

I do always make a point of saying to myself…“$96 bucks for thin paper, Geez.” haha I like it, though. :slight_smile:

Some of these masks sold on ebay for $150-$200 and now that the auctions have stopped each mask should theoretically go up in value. When it comes to screen used stuff having a COA signed by the director is a great asset when it comes to resale. Also Rob never sold any of these masks personally. They started out being sold by his publicist aka grimleyghost or something like that in sets of 3. Most recently and a far greater number of these masks ended up getting sold by a woman who works for Sheri Moon Zombie at her total skull clothing company astrozombie first in sets of three and then after I watched the prices drop an picked up 3 sets of 3 in 1 shot at great prices she started selling them in individual auctions. All the masks came with a COA signed by Rob. Given my experience in buying and selling screen used items I would say $96 for a mask like this is a great deal and the owner should have no problem getting back his original investment and then some should he ever choose to sell it. Lets not forget that Rob’s Halloween is still the top grossing Labor day weekend film release in U.S. history.

Sadly, I’ve had to ebay the mask. If anyone’s Interested http://cgi.ebay.com/Rob-Zombies-HalloweeN-Screen-Used-Mask-Paper-mache-/140503062143?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item20b6a2967f

Awesome score! Great price too for a screenused mask!