scored a NAG Tony!!!!!

Hey guys, alot of you know i have been wanting a tony for a LONG time! well i got one! it is my 3rd fave realistic myers mask! when i say realistic i am excluding things like kh, 2k mask, etc, they just are not realistic in my world, i’d never afford one :laughing: anyway, this is a beautiful copy and i scored it from evilsmellyclown who is an awesome guy! i have’nt got iy yet but these are his pics! i am sooooo excited! and nag is like the ferrari of the mask world so i am so happy to own a piece by nag! well, here it is:

thanks for looking!! and feal free to post your tonys if you have one! :mrgreen:

Hey congrats bro!! Glad you found what you were looking for. That is an awesome looking Tony.

thanks bro, i hope you figure out how to post pics, i’d love to see yours! :smiley:

Right on bro…I know what it feels like to get something you have been wanting.


OK lets see if this works!!


Shit it dint work!! How the heck do i post a pic??

thanks you guys! myers n san diego, for some reason you was in my mind the whole time i was dealing, lol, prob because you was looking for one not long back and yours looks awesome too! and j-cook, hold on, i will make a tutorial for you and send it to ya! i will use a bunch of screen caps! :smiley:


Crap!! it still didnt work!!

That I was my friend. I’m so glad you found yours!!! Also, thank you for making a tutorial for this poor guy on how to post a pic :laughing: . I feel so bad for him :frowning:

Dude…try opening a free account with and your problems will be over. They make it very easy. :smiley:

Thanks man, I’m a artist not a computer genius!! :laughing:

thanks guys, i sent him a tutorial with screen caps, if i were you i’d open 2 tabs, one with my tutorial and another to try it out! oh actually 3 tabs because you need one for photobucket/tiny pic :smiley:


Whoops!! :blush:

So glad you’re getting what you were looking for my friend. Can’t wait to see costume shots bro. :drinkers:

thanks alot ryn! and btw, it was haired and painted by makeshift productions!! and j-cook:

that is awesome :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Hey i did it!! :stuck_out_tongue: I hope to have it finished soon. I will post pics when its done.

awesome score bro

thanks guys, and j-cook, i did it for ya, you were right on your last attempt but got the [ in the wrong place, you did this: