I was just thinking of an earlier thread in which the question was asked “Which H1 mask does it for you?”. There were a few masks named. I myself as many chose the H78. But the more I look at this Fear the more I realize it also screams H1 in almost every angle when on a stand. Yes, only when stuffed and placed on a mask stand does this mask look amazing. When I put the damn thing on it just doesn’t look the same. But never the less, I think this mask looks damn nice on a stand. Whats everyone else think?
Enjoy some pics!
this has always looked the most accurate to me to
looks good!!
i like the fear, the scene that it looks like the movie to me would be when hes standing at the top of the stairs, awesome pics man, Z
I personally think this is one of the best h1 masks ever made, don’t get me wrong i love Nik’s work from nag with H78 but its pricy and you have to have it converted to excatly what you want which will cost even more on top of the high price you already pain for the mask clean. This mask seems to cover all aspects of an ultimate h1 mask, im picking one up in a month or so from CCS the “10/31” mask which is the Fear mask the same seen in the pics, awesome mask man!!!
Jim I>
That Mask looks tight as Hell!