Screen Used H4, H5 and H6 mask…Where are they now
The pt4 is owned by a member here
NIK has one of the H6 SU masks
Darren (Tony Moran Fan) also ownes one of the H6 Masks
Nils also owns one of the part 6 masks i believe, Z
don shanks still owns the H5
Crofader owns the h4
and Nik owns one of the H6
Welcome to the site bro.
Yeah as stated before, a member here owns the screen used H4, and Nik has one of the screen used H6 masks. Not sure about the H5 though.
Don Shanks has owned the H5 since he did the film, and still has it.
doesnt scott (quiet on the set) own one? a h5
he owns an h5 that was pulled directly from KNB screenused mask mold, i know he haired it, i cant remember who painted it, Z
DB painted Scotts mask. I’m pretty sure that’s what he told me
it’s already been said, but
paul (crofader) owns (which is probably the hero) h4 mask
shanks, himself owns one of the only H5’s still in existence
darren and nik both own a screen h6
Doesn’t that stupid ‘Horror-Domain’ idiot own a H6 mask aswell?
He owns a few I believe.
i like the h4 mask and h5 mask. but how many h4 and h5 mask exist now
how many h4 and h5 and h6 exist now
ive only seen 1 su h4 and that is pauls…ive only heard of 1 su h5 as well…there are a shat load of h6’s
I wouldn’t necessarily say a shat load. I’d say between 3-5. (which I suppose could be considered a high amount)
Sean Clark owns one of the screen used H 5 masks. It was given to him directly by KNB. I believe he also has screen used masks from 4 different Halloween movies.
Sean Clark owns halloween 4 and 5 mask.