Screen Used Stunt H40 (sculpted hair)

A couple shots of a screen used H40 stunt mask courtesy of @whitemaskcollector on Instagram- very interesting to see the use of sculpted hair!

Very nice! Interesting sculpt on this one compared to the hero as well…seems a bit more detailed and chiseled. Maybe I’m wrong, but it seems that way to me :slight_smile:

Any idea what scenes this was used in?

If it was the stunt mask it may have been used in the stairfall, that was a double

Tots could sell this version as an Economy Mask

I’d buy one just to glue hair ontop of it, that copy is silicone so it will last forever

The 2018 mask is the only one that even compares to the original 78/81 in my opinion.

It was used so the hair did not catch fire during the end scene. However once filming began they realized the hair didn’t look real and switched back to a haired copy. This mask was sitting on display at the BlumHouse table.

Also this copy isn’t latex it’s silicone.

Would love to own this as a piece of history but not a huge fan of that sculpted hair. Still a badass mask, I can see why it was never used though. Too obvious