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Cool video. Do we know what that mask looks like today?
“Interview with mark roberts” thread at the top of the page
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Man that mask has taken a beating!! Now it looks horrible. It still looked good in 96, of course different from 78 but still good
What really upsets me is that to this day out of the 1000000 replicas out there there is not one imho that looks identical to that. not one.;( I mean bang on exact to that exact look.Close but not exact.The Nag Nightmare reshape to me comes the closest.
As beautiful as it gets! It is incredible that this mask still exists. A thing of beauty.
I am so thankful Ken made the KHDW with the hero in hand. He nailed every aspect of it.
Thanks for posting this. We are so lucky to have a pretty good quality video of the hero up close at so many angles.
Now that is some nice clear video. Glad Sean posted that, someone may be able to take that video and use it to sculpt a new mask. Easy enough to pause on all angles and really get that look down. I guess we shall see if anyone takes up the task, that video is about as good as it gets to see all the details and features and what not. Nice and clear.
And I understand Ken did get close with his KHDW, but I am hoping for a more affordable version of this look from another artist. Not a knock on Ken at all, just my wallet hurts when considering something from the 1000 dollar range lol.
This. I was thinking the exact same thing, would love to see someone use this video as a reference to create a new sculpt. It’s such a great resource!
They should of used 303 protectant on it now its a pile of mush:(
It blows my mind that this sort of thing could happen. If only someone would have given a sh!t sooner.
Looks like the microwave got ahold of it
Maybe with this video being more clear, we can get a closer hero replica?
They’re are great ones out there, but they always seem to have something off.
This vid is 15 years after H2 so even then, it was on its way to getting distorted.
It’s kind of odd that I see it in this video and think what great shape it’s in, when in all reality it’s not great condition compared to the hero in 85
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Looks a lot better than most people thought.
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Awesome video, never seen it from all those angles.
Not sure why someone would use this as a sculpt ref though, its so saggy and sad looking even by 96 it wouldn’t be film accurate… I mean unless you wanted it to look like this iteration?