Show Halloween Set-ups for the big day

Well i started setting up some of my stuff, the non-expensive stuff…got this far…lets see everyone else’s :smiley: …mike

wow u have a vacancy sign LOL…

cool set up

love the fog :smiley:

Cool fog, vacancy sign and tombstone decorations

From last year. I’ll have the same stuff out this year, with a couple of new additions.
I can’t wait for Halloween !!!

Looking good :smiley: :smiley: you will have to show the pics from the big day after :smiley: i still have more to set up,just dont put it out till the big day :smiley:

Yesssssssss, very cool pics gentlemen.


Few pics of the front yard. The night pics are a bit blurry, but you get the idea. I have quite abit more to put out, i just do it on the big day. Dont want my props growing legs if you know what i mean.