Shower scene

I was sad to see the shower scene as briefly shown in the trailer was not featured in the movie. The mask looked STUNNING and I’m intrigued as to why the neck seems more flared out and the collar of his coveralls is not visible. What are your thoughts?

Edit! Just found out the reason why the mask looked different in this deleted scene, it was because the investigator was wearing it!

It was a nod to the shower scene from the movie Psycho but with a comedic twist since it was Aaron playing a prank on Dana, though he does remark how it feels to wear the mask I believe. I agree though that the mask does look amazing in this shot. It looks a lot like the 1978 mask. I guess the actor has a similar face structure to Nick Castle and was able to pull off the Castle Stretch look.


There was a shower scene with Dana? That was cut out?

….well now I just feel cheated.

Blumhouse you better put deleted scenes on the bluray!


The neck probably flares from it not sitting completely closed around his neck. Maybe the back flaps got folded in and caused the sides to flare out

I don’t know why they would cut this scene. I feel like the movie could’ve used it and it wouldn’t have taken much time.

Heard about this. They should’ve kept this, imo it would’ve added much more character development wise. Film felt way too rushed in that way.

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I really hope we get this and a lot of the other deleted scenes in the blu ray.

Exactly! I also want to see Dana in the shower!


Yeah that wouldn’t be bad at all