Sick of TRANCAS /Question too

I had one of my myers mask removed from ebay even after it sold and the person had already paid.Its completly gone like it never was listed or sold.Luckily its a repeat buyer and I have his address and it also on paypal too. I have always noticed its the original Halloween 1 or 2 mask they pull.They have never messed with the H9 or Rob Zombie H2 masks.Does Trancas only have right to the 2 original films?Has any one here ever had a ROB ZOMBIE replica mask pulled? Has anyone been able to list H1 H2 masks without using the words Michael Myers?I had to take the copyright tutorial to be able to sell again.I just wanted to see if anyone could enlighten me more on this matter.Thanks guys.

i’m pretty sure Trancas has rights to the RZ films as well bc one of the producers of RZ’s H2 “Malek Akkad” is part of the whole Trancas empire of shit. Maybe they just focus on the H1 and H2 films bc that is the image they want everybody to recognize with the “Halloween” name…who knows though its all bullshit to me

Well, I do know for a fact that if you get too many of these eBay, will in fact, suspend your eBay account for no less than 7 days.

How many did u get?its my 2nd .!st time for the tutorial

Not true, the rights for RZ H1 & H2 are owned by the Weinstein Company. Trancas has rights to H1, H2, H3, H4 and H5.

Although I don’t like the fact that they are coming down on replicas, because I think it represents a very small piece of the pie, I understand it. Licensing rights are very expensive and Trancas is obligated to protect their licensees who pay that royalty.

I had an H3 Witch & Skull and also an H6 up on Ebay and they didn’t touch them. Wonder why?

Because they are looking for key words Michael Myers.

Gotcha… I think i had Myers in the title of my H3 masks though.

Again, key words “Michael Myers”

Actually Trancas is part of the shitty empire of the Weinstein company which is its parent company…check out this …soooo technically Trancas DOES have licensing rights to RZ’s 1 and 2

I just had my Halloween IV replica mask pulled from eBay. First time. This crap is unreal!

just a thought but could you not list the masks on and make it available to the USA as the Myers mask thing is not an issue over here…

Zephro the H9 and exposed I sold had Michael myers,I guess I got lucky.So you can list the just without Michael myers?

The way you guys are reacting to this, you are just asking for trouble. They don’t own the likeness of Mask used in 1978. They do however own the name “Halloween” as a film title and the name “Michael Myers” as a character. The right holders for the RZ films do own the likeness of that mask, since it was an original sculpt. They don’t own the little clown mask.

Sell your fanmade masks under a different title if you don’t want trouble, and those of you who sell remake masks are lucky that the Weinsteins’s- as of yet- don’t care to take legal actions.

Stop whining about something someone else created and owns.

There’s enough loopholes involved when it comes to selling replicas based on the first film. If you obey them. You shoud be ok.

Listing it as a “Halloween” mask is asking for trouble. I understand the logic that the title has no ties to the film as it’s a common term to sell Halloween costumes. Until someone can bring it into a courtroom and prove that- There’s nothing that can be done about it. Since it’s one of those 50/50 things.

If you want the trouble to stop. It seems to me, all that has to be done is to stop calling it a “Michael Myers” or “Halloween” mask.

Also can we stop with the childish insults and name calling crap directed at Malek Akkad. I remember some of those hate filled comments about Malek and his Father that came out after the remake. I’m sure he does as well. If you want compassion and fan respect from Mr. Akkad, you need to respect him as well.

I think it’s insane to say that Akkad and his company are punishing you for trying to make money off of something you don’t even own. If you stopped using the key names to sell your “fan love” items. I’m sure these problems would stop.

And now I’ve pissed off a lot of people, but someone had to say it, like it or not.

The only problem with NOT listing it as a Myers mask is getting people to your auction. People who are searching for Myers’ masks won’t be bothered to look for “anyman whitemask”.

That’s the perk in paying for a licensing fee to legally sell replicas. Personally I think Akkad wants the fan made collecting activities to stay here on the boards. Companies pay big money for the legal rights to sell replicas and toy items for these films. It’s a source of income for Trancas and their Partners. Trancas has to protect the power of their licenses.

Trust me, Akkad doesn’t wake up in the morning thinking about ways to hurt the fans. If we can protect the power of the brand and do this within our own group. I’m sure they would turn a blind eye.

A casual fan should find only licensed stuff on ebay when typing in those keywords.

I keep thinking about the 501 and how Lucas lets them do what they do. Only 501’s can make/sell/buy fan made replica costume items, and it’s understood that this behavior is for the sole intent to wear those costumes to promote the brand for charity and cosplay events.

I cant see any charity foundations accepting any Myers/Halloween events anytime soon.

I’m sure theres some sort of middle ground, and if we keep the transactions between us, and kept it away from casual eyes. I believe these conflicts would end.

This is always a touchy subject. I imagine it can be argued this website is a direct copyright violation as well but you have to draw the line between a fan site and a for-profit enterprise.

Twlight producers are doing the same thing to protect their products as well. A restaurant was hosting a Twilight party and charging an entrance fee. Producers jumped all over this and told them they could call it a “Vampire” party but could not use the name “Twilight” or use any other Twilight references.

Trancas may not even own the right to the H1 Myers masks or its likeness as there might be a conflict with Paramount who owns the rights to Captain Kirk’s likeness.

It’s a fine line of not wanting to alienate your fanbase, who is your bread and butter, and yet protect your products and intellectual property.

The rock band KISS probably never has this problem because license out every possible product there is to be had!

The solution is to fill the demand with licensed product, if possible. An excellent quality licensed product will sell better than an excellent quality unlicensed product.

Well said :smiley:


Imnot gonna get in this one but havent some of you guys had listings removed even with a different title other than “Halloween” and “Michael myers”…I know ive heard that from several members…I think they are gonna remove them regardless of the title…Whether you have a different title or not Trancas still knows what the mask are trying to represent…All they have to do is contact ebay and say so…Anyway, I agree and think we need to keep this in our community…I dont think outside attention is a good thing…The last thing we want is Trancas going after our mask makers for selling them…Out of sight out of mind guys…Hey Chris, did you ever hear anything from your letter bud…That letter was very professional and well written…I was just curious if you ever got a response my man…Later guys