So what in the name of God is everyone's opinion on H20?

I remember when it came out, people praised it as the best sequel ever. It got 80 % ratings in movie magazines, and when I was a kid, it was my most video store rented movie ever. Then at some point people at OHMb started writing negative things about it. Now? I don’t know, but the movie is fast for sure. It’s one of the fastest movies ever and if you want to kill 85 minutes of your life, just watch H20, time would run really fast.

…which might indicate it’s not a bad movie, right? But with JLC appearing in 4 more Halloweens after that, the influence of this is written all over H20 these days. When it was the last Halloween, long before even Resurrection was made, it truly was the best sequel. Now, I can’t really say, I’m confused as hell.

This franchise needs a serious psychiatric evaluation.

It was okay for its time. Certainly a step up from 4-6 but it doesn’t hold up today. The overall tone of the film feels like a WB television show, with the cast and the Scream/I Know What You Did… vibes. The atmosphere is off. Doesn’t feel like a Halloween movie. If I wasn’t familiar with this sequel and you told me it was an episode of Dawson’s Creek that JLC was guest starring in that included a copycat killer pretending to be Michael Myers, I would probably believe you.

I guess that’s the general opinion Halloween fans have on the movie now. So you can find nothing positive about it?

The ending was pretty good. Certainly not what I was expecting at the time.

I also liked the beginning and Jodi Lynn O Keefe performance. That girl was so hot in the movie. Though if you check her real photos, she probably never looked that hot, but in H20 that’s certainly a girl everyone would like to take out.

H20 has its issues but I still really enjoy the movie. Is it dated? Yes, but I like those late 90s slashers and I have a lot of fun with H20. I still remember seeing it in theaters and how the audience clapped and cheered really loudly when Laurie chopped off Michael’s head. I think it’s a great ending to the series.

That’s an interesting reaction from the audience. The first Halloween I saw in theatres was Resurrection and then everything after that.