So...what's your top 5?

Everyone list your top 5 masks. By this I don’t mean accuracy or a particular part, just personal preference, the masks that YOU love. Don’t be afraid to post pics guys. Heres mine(im kinda in rush so I cant space like a list) 1. Tie between The Butcher and The Maniac 2. Good run Warlock 3. H78 4. Addisons H9 5. E.K. Clown

  1. Trek R Treat (Dull Boy)
  2. Kreation x “XOMBIE”
    3)R.O.T. H2
    4)Payback '07
    5)Warlock SE

1. H78 (NAG/AHG conversions, or SE’s)
2. Maniac
3. Fear
4. Psycho 78/81 (any that crofader has, lol)
5. NM78 (early run or returns)

NAG UL75 Kirk converted by James Carter
'07 Warlock CGP
SSN H5 mask
H30 Screenused H20 mask
SSN The Return H4 mask

Mine… Are…As…Follows…In…Order…It…Goes…A…Little…Something…Like…This…


  1. H-78/AHG With the black hair/matted and streaked :smiling_imp:
  2. Second Stab/Redone with the white weathered look… :stuck_out_tongue:
  3. NAG/AHG Nightmare. :slight_smile:
  4. DW/KH original run, A good copy as well. Not all copies have that look but the ones that do, are :open_mouth:
  5. A good copy of a Psycho…

1.Erik’s KH/DW #2
2.Kris’s NMM78 Proto
3.Matt/Number2’s HSS Kirk conversion
4.My Psycho :laughing:
5.Nick/nvandenbosch’s NAG Rarer#???

_Addition:_Not a Myers but my 99Shat by Sam McCain

Second Stab Master Copy
NM78 Original Run
Classic 75 Kirk conversion

My top 5 at the moment based on what I have seen and what I own:

#1 NAG Cover Mask
#2 NAG H78 Special Edition AHG Style finish
#3 4 Stamp NMM78
#4 Warlock CGP/Cryptco
#5 NAG Nightmare/AHG or JC Conversion

  1. KH/DW (earlier copys)
  2. NM78 Proto
  3. Original Run Psycho
  4. Original Run Maniac
  5. My CGP Warlock :wink:

you may think i am stupid but-
1- cinema secrets economy myers mask
2- killing machine (however i would never buy on as i hear it is really small)
3- maniac
4- sequal
5- h30 seven and screenused seven

  1. Don Post 1975 Kirk
  2. '99 Kirks
  3. Nag Nightmare
  4. NMM78 Proto
  5. Most Mint 75’s
  1. H78/JC
  2. Rarer
    4.Mint 75 JC, AHG conversion
    5.AHG Nightmare
  1. Nag H78 kirk deluxe
  2. MCS Mr. Murder
  3. Nag Screen Used H1
  4. CGP Fear
    5.Propshop Psychopath V1
  1. DB2 converted by Colin/James C
  2. DW/KH (good copy)
  3. KH/Col H1 Paul’s sending it to me now! :mrgreen:I wish!
  4. Good copy 4 Stamp NMM78
  5. NAG H78 or NAG Nightmare (provided good pull/good conversion)

My opinion hasn’t swayed much. :sunglasses:

  1. NO NMM78( early run 4 stamp copy)
  2. KH/DW(original run)
  3. JC/Col converted DB2
  4. Second Stab
  5. Maniac

one) A juicy pull of the NMM78 4 stamp
two) 02 Psycho’s
three) 2nd Stab…(thin pull)
four) Old KH
five ) 06 Maniacs

we just had this topic about two weeks ago. my list hasnt changed in that amount of time.

Yes but that was for your favorite H1s I believe. This is intended for any myers or even if you prefer a leatherface or Freddy over a myers then that.

My top five Myers masks are as follows…

  1. 1975 Captain Kirk
  2. NAG/AHG H78… Mike is the freakin’ man!
  3. KH/DW (original)
  4. DPS/AHG “first release” '98 Shatner
  5. NAG/AHG Mint '75

mint 75 conversions by jc and/or colin
brad hardin h6
ssn wilbur sig
ssn shanks sig
jonl’s original maniac (that thing was the ultimate hallway scene mask)