[SOLVED] TIL That I am retarded (superglue problem)

So I’m a complete dumbass and instead of using hot glue to attach dark cloth eye squares like any sane normal person I used superglue. Now when I put the mask on my nose burns and my eyes water. Is this gonna last forever? How can I speed up the process of clearing it up if it does clear up over time?

Edit: It cleared up after a day, I’m really sorry about bothering you all with this.

That is very dangerous. You need to remove all remnants of the super glue. Or toss the mask.

Use lacquer and get it all off there

Lol this reminds me of the time a super glue tube exploded when I was building models. It got in both of my eyes. It burned like hell. Luckily I held them open, the doctor said they usually just get glued shut, in which case there is nothing you can do but wait for the glue to flake off. I also had 2 black eyes for a week from the chemicals/dehydration from the glue.

That super glue (especially cyanocylate or something) is serious stuff.

But yes, if you let it dry for a few days the smell and burn should go away actually.

There are products like goo gone that can get rid of the glue, but use them sparingly and wipe them off with a damp cloth after and then pat the area dry as they use chemicals that should not stay on a mask.

in the future, you should probably just wear a doo rag or something to cover your eyes.

Yeah I just have a black undermask I bought on Amazon for cheap. Works juuust fine.

Initially that’s what I did, but I got sick of how hot it was underneath it all. So I cut up a stocking for the eyes. Luckily the superglue cleared up and now it works just fine.