Spookhouse Props FIRST MASK EVER! ( JFK )

Hey everyone! :smiley:

I am very proud to showcase some of the first pics of my own personal sculpt. This is NOT the “10/31” limited edition mask I am working on with Nik ( NAG) This is the JFK ( Jimmy Falco Kirk) I sculpted this directly from the William Shatner lifecast. I wanted to keep alot of the life cast intact within the sculpt with some adjusted features. Something basic, something simple, something I can call my own.

Below is the Halloween 78 prototype! I plan to finish 2 more prototypes in the style of Halloween II & Captain Kirk. Once the production molds are made, these will be available soon. 100% unlimited. Thank you everyone for all the support.

Spookhouse Props JFK HALLOWEEN 78 :pumpkin:

That’s very nice. Looks really good. You do amazing work. I want one

Looks great, getting 2K vibes, any worns?

Wow throw some sideburns on him and it would be a dead ringer for the Malone Myers, great finishing work

Right on man looking good!

Love it, Jimmy!

Looking great Jimmy! :rock: :rock:

Thanks everyone

Love it!

Love it! This definitely has a Malone vibe going on.

pretty cool

Now that’s very good!

Thanks to my horrible internet service out here in the woods, it took forever for the pics to load…but I’m glad I waited it out. Dude, that’s fantastic - I’m impressed. Great job!

Thanks fellas means a lot! Sorry the pics took forever brother bridge LOL

I plan to finish the Kirk proto this week :slight_smile: then onto the H2, H4 and Malone.

great job!!

I like this take on the Kirk!

Love this Jimmy!! You know I’m pumped to see the H2, but a Malone as well?!! Hell yeah!!

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Really great work Jimmy! It reminds me a lot of some classic Night Owl sculpts. Can’t wait to see the Kirk and H2 versions.

Wow thanks everyone! I plan to get a Malone, kirk and h2 up and running soon. Just finished production molds :slight_smile:

Jimmy that looks awesome! I’m excited to see what else you have up your sleeve!