Spruce green color... looks grey

So I just unpacked my spruce green Red Kap coveralls and they actually look grey to me. I’ve had issues before thinking grey was green and vice versa. I think that may be where some of the coverall confusion my stem from. Combine that with blue filters and yeah, they can look a few different colors.

I mean… they did use GREY sears tradewear coveralls in the original, right?

I thought some said they were spruce… maybe not

It’s still undetermined. They were either charcoal, or tex green. Definitely not spruce, though. Spruce is too green

I thought that too but my spruce from red kap look grey to me. I’ll post a pic. Maybe it’s just my eyes

Spruce green

Those are nice! A lot of the vintage “spruces” I see appear too green is all, these ones defy that for sure! Awesome pair :slight_smile:

Thanks! I thought I was going crazy or acquired color blindness lol

Yeah, those are a nice pair though. Hopefully when mine come in they look like yours :slight_smile:

Thanks bro! I hope so too!

Those actually look pretty bang on for H1 coveralls! I always assumed they were charcoal gray, I have never seen any green in the H1 coveralls.

My spruce green red kaps i got a few days ago. look green. but in the dark under certain lighting look blue

My spruce green red kaps i got a few days ago. look green. but in the dark under certain lighting look blue

So they don’t look like the ones I posted a pic of in this thread?

Mine look like Roys in part 5 under dim light in the dark

In the pics of yours they do look more grey, mine are spruce green in real light

Maybe they sent me charcoal by mistake lol… the bag they were in said Spruce lol. Oh well, I can use them for h18 too I guess… score! Lol

Here are my spruce Red Kaps compared to yours. Yes yours look grey…

Oh they’re not too far off. Yours look blue to me lol. Whatever, eyes are stupid anyway lol

Acorad, I think they made a mistake and sent you charcoal ones. The ones I’ve owned, and seen in person that were Spruce looked like Rickster’s and were definitely green.