Hi, Im new and did a search but came up with nothing. I am currently planning on buying the H20 Chris durand mask from SSN but I was wondering how many people actually own this mask? Can you please post some pics so I can get an idea of what it looks like when someone is wearing it, ect? What are you thoughts on this mask? Is it worth it?
It’s a good H20 and many many people have it here but if you want an accurate worn look, I suggest the SG H20 with the neck extension.
How does the H30 seven v2 compare to the ssn durand one? Im torn between them both. They both look amazing.
Whatever you choose… Seven v2 is a nice mask, cheap and H30 is stoping productionsoon so there masks might be worth a little more. As for the ssn probably the best H20 around but its a little high in price and SS@N is not ending any time soon. Sorry if the typing is bad, I’m on a phone inside a honda dealer ship. Lol.
How much does the H30 ones go for? Also, does anyone have any pics of how this mask looks on them? H30 looks like the best choice for me. I mean, considering they are cheaper than SSN.
Dont like the SmithsGrove H20?
I think the H30 7 V2 is going for 110, includes US shipping. Another option is the H20 Screen Used from H30, that one is priced at 200. It’s a beautiful mask and if I ever figure out how to work my digital camera I’ll post some costume pics. I love the SSN H20 also but it was out of my price range.
SSN: 300 + S+H
H30 Seven V2: 125 Shipped
H30 Screenused: 250 + S+H
Hope I was a help
The SSN is worth the money. Hands down the best out there.
Cool well I shot an email to h30 for prices and availability on the seven and the ressurected. They both look Amazing! Still like pics though if anyone has got em. If h30’s masks are in the $110 range then I will definatly be going with them. Just cant afford the SSN one. But somewhere down along the road I probably with get the Durand one. Because it does look slightly better but also more expensive.
Save your money… Buy the best, the first time.
I say get the seven, i love mine and its cheap. no need to spend big bucks on a mask
Here is my Seven V2 from H30, i love it.
Man, you can’t go wrong with an SSN H20 ! That’s the best H20 mask out there ! You can’t get anything better H20 related than this mask !
So SSN all the way !
SSN, H30…either way I’m sure you’d be happy. Both guys have great finishing.
Wow the H30 looks awesome! I agree they are both awesome but money wise I think im going with H30. Thats is if I hear back from them. Are they slow with Emails usually.
good choice man
This picture alone would make me reconsider your choice. These are as close to the screen used masks as you can get.
he said hes going with the seven for money reasons so leave it at that
Thanks Dad…